Editorial board disclosure policy

(Last updated Nov 2024)

All editors responsible for recommending or making publication decisions are requested to disclose on an annual basis any potential conflict of interest, including current or recent financial relationships with any commercial entity whose products or services may be contained in the journal content.

The following competing interests were disclosed:

Sabine Bailly – Intellectual property: Licence for monoclonal antibody in Merck company. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Member of the editorial board of Cells.
Claudine Bonder – Intellectual property: Patents: US 11,000,634 - Medical devices using coated polymers (GRANTED 2021). Inventors: Moore, Voelcker, Benveniste, Bonder (Medvet);
US 10,994,059 - Anti-fouling and/or anti-thrombotic medical devices (GRANTED 2021). Inventors: Moore, Voelcker, Bonder (CTM-CRC).
Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: President, Australian Vascular Biology Society (2022-2026.)
Financial activities: Scientific advisor with paid consultancy: Carina Biotech Pty.
Jaap van Buul – Financial activities: Ambassador of the Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Non-financial support: travel expenses and accommodation to conferences as an invited speaker, all of which were research-based and not-for-profit organizations. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: editorial board member of Atherosclerosis and guest editor, Mediators in Inflammation and Frontiers of Physiology.
Shigetomo Fukuhara – Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Editorial board member, Scientific Research.
Elizabeth Jones – Personal fees: Paid by FNRS and other granting agencies for reviewing grants. Received honorarium from University of Leeds for sitting on their external review board.
Anne Lagendijk – Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Guest editor for Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (2021–22).
Maurizio Pesce – Financial activities: research activity sponsored by Dompé Farmaceutici. Intellectual property: WO2021014312A1: Conditioning device for conditioning an exposed stretch of a blood vessel and method of collecting autologous material for grafts. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, PloS ONE. Professioneal member ESC, nucleus Member of the Working Group of cellular biology of the Heart.
The following editors reported no competing interests:
  • Fumiko Itoh
  • Ayman Al Haj Zen
  • Jennifer Gamble
  • Peter J Little
  • Paolo Madeddu
  • Li-Kun Phng
  • Gianfranco Pintus
  • Yanan Wang
  • Seppo Ylä-Herttuala

Bioscientifica staff and freelancers working on the journal reported no conflicts of interest. Article authors' declarations are stated in each journal article. Referees must disclose any competing interests before agreeing to review any submission. For more information on the journal’s ethical policy, please read the ethical guidelines.

This policy follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).